Wednesday 25 March 2009

No need to put off worrying

You don’t need Old Testament prophets around to bring a sense of gloom these days. The British Government’s chief scientist warned about the possibility of food, water and energy shortages bringing about a ‘perfect storm’ within 20 years.

He predicted that it would bring mass migration and violence on a global scale. If he’s right and if you’re not worried already, now may be the time to start.

Of course, there’s no need to wait 20 years to see the social unrest which injustice can create. Last week’s general strike in France was accompanied by riots in the streets, some of which targeted ‘anything that represented ostentatious wealth’.

The US may not have riots in the streets but there is huge public anger over bonus payments to staff at AIG, the insurance company which has been bailed out by the government. Some staff received death threats and the company warned staff not to wear the logo and to travel in pairs at night.

Legislators who rushed to approve a 90 per cent tax on these bonuses included many usually opposed to tax increases and limits on executive pay.

But alongside all of that was a great reminder that even huge injustices can be put right. After 27 years in prison, Sean Hodgson’s murder conviction was quashed thanks to new DNA evidence and he was released. I think Amos would have been pleased (Amos 5:24).

Emlyn Williams

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