Tuesday 5 May 2009

High flyer. Low flying. Swine flu

Barack Obama seemed to have a better week than Gordon Brown. The row over Air Force One flying low over Manhattan was far outweighed by generally positive assessments of Obama’s first 100 days in office. Still popular in the polls, he declared himself ‘pleased … but … not satisfied’ with his performance.

For Gordon Brown, however, it was a pretty grim week. Climb downs over MPs expenses and defeat in the Commons over the treatment of Gurkha veterans left even his own supporters calling for change.

Yet whilst politicians may be facing a ‘meltdown of trust’ we still look to them for solutions to our problems. The outbreak of swine flu – officially virus influenza A (H1N1) – is one such case.

Unfortunately for the authorities, they probably can’t win. If the outbreak is bad they will be accused of not being prepared. If we are spared the worst, they will be accused of crying wolf – one newspaper wrote about the ‘Sars and bird flu false alarms’.

The big temptation for leaders in all ages is to trust in themselves, not in God. This week’s readings illustrate that well. Ironically, with British troops having left Iraq last week after six years, 2 Kings tells of a much earlier Iraqi leader importing a foreign army to Babylon, which was in present day Iraq!

But despite the failings of leaders, these readings should not lead us to cynicism. Hezekiah looked to God for healing. Josiah rediscovered God’s law and renewed the covenant with God.

What is your prayer for Gordon Brown, Barack Obama and the other world leaders?

Emlyn Williams

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