Thursday 10 September 2009

God's guidance; clear as mud?

How often have you heard, or used, something like the phrase, 'I'm pushing some doors to see if they open,' with regard to God's will and guidance in life? I can answer 'quite often' to both.

But after reading today's WordLive and thinking about the picture there, I'm becoming less than sure of using it again. Pushing doors to see if they open is more about finding a way through a maze than being guided by the Divine. After all, in a maze we can end up going down many cul-de-sacs. Jonah pushed a door and ended up going the complete opposite way to God's will for a time.

I wonder if the problem is that we see guidance as a means to an end. 'God guide me to where I need to be'! When there is no clear answer, we feel God hasn't responded.

However, what if the destination isn't as important as the journey? Then, the way we travel, the words we say, the things we do can become God's will and be guided. Perhaps we are never meant to 'arrive' but always 'travel', seeking God every step of the way.



Godzdaz said...

I agree. Jesus said 'I am the way', which suggests to me that if we want to be sure about being on the 'right path', then we need to see if He is evident in all our 'ways'(!).

Darren Hill said...

Too ture. Personally I find the 'all our ways' the big challenge. It is so easy to keep bits and pieces of our lives out of the light.

Elizabeth said...

Does'nt this lead us to 1 John -to' Walk in the light as He is in the light ?

Darren Hill said...

I agree.

I suppose from my personal point of view, and this could be my personality, I tend to focus far too much on the destination.