Monday 19 October 2009

Calm in the chaos or chaos in the calm

It's all a matter of perspective.

Of course saying that is easier than living it out. The fact that my bath currently has a leak is a real pain, causing misery to the whole family - you try telling a 16 year old boy he can't have a shower.

But then the pain I'm going through is nothing like someone who is facing a terminal illness. Or to take things further, to those who don't even have running water.

However, these things do cause us anguish.

When things get a little too much I often take a moment to reflect on Mark 4:35-40, where Jesus calms the storm. Both Jesus and the disciples are in the same position, they are both being battered by the chaos that is the storm. Jesus though, remains calm and... well you go and read it.

One of the activities in WordLive suggests the following:
Bring to God the bad news in your life right now – the things that just don’t
make sense, that seem chaotic. The hurts, family rows, disappointments, the
betrayals and setbacks, the broken hearts, broken dreams… here

We may be in the midst of chaos, but we can focus on the calm. How do you stay calm in the middle of a storm, or if you don't, vent a little here in the comments.

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