Tuesday 4 May 2010

Did you have a spiritual Bank Holiday?

We just had a Bank Holiday in the UK. A day when the weekend gets extended and people all over the country get on with DIY or get away for a break. Both of these activities are ways of reassessing who and what we are. DIY enables us to get rid of the old and bring in the new, while a nice break is designed to refresh the parts other Mondays can not reach.

But what about our spiritual selves? Do we have some specific time to reassess how we are doing in our spiritual relationship? Do we believe input from church on Sundays and perhaps at home group is sufficient? Does visiting WordLive everyday fulfil our spiritual check-up?

I'm not suggesting that we need to do more, but I am suggesting we take stock once in a while. It is easy to get stuck in a spiritual rut and simply go through the motions. Why not take some time to give your spirituality a check up; a spiritual Bank Holiday? Take some time to reassess and recommit to meeting God through the Bible and prayer - oh, and Wordlive is quite a good way to help you with that.

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