Thursday 15 July 2010

We have some questions

If you take a look at the sidebar on the blog you'll see we have a couple of polls running. It's all about information you see.

The first poll is asking what you'd like to see on WordLive. We're always looking to develop WordLive so we'd like a little bit of guidance as to what you'd like. There are four options and they should make sense. However as a little bit of extra illumination I'll elaborate:
  • Ability to comment - this would enable you to post a response directly onto WordLive in response to an activity
  • More smartphone apps - we already have an iPhone and iPad app, so do we need apps for other smartphones
  • Choice of readings - at the moment the reading is set from our syllabus that covers a lot of the Bible, but would you like to have the ability to use different passages
  • More varied content - we don't mean more content but we mean something slightly different to what there is now, using different approaches and styles
The other poll is even simpler to understand, we'd like to know how old you are. Yes, I know that is a personal question, but no one will ever know what button you pressed. It will always be a secret, but will help us as we develop things for the future.

So please, tick a box or two and let us know what you want.



Louise Knight said...

I don't feel able to vote on content, because I think it's fantastic as it is... :)

Darren Hill said...

It's comments like that make us blush and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks for those words, and much needed boost as we plow onwards.

Elizabeth said...

I agree that the content is excellent,but think that it would be helpful to be able to comment directly onto WordLive rather than have to go through the forum in order to do it.

Darren Hill said...

Great idea Elizabeth, one that we're hoping to bring in. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I'm new to using Wordlive, when I bought a new laptop about 1 month ago! I think the content is great, indeed using Wordlive has been a real spiritual refreshment. The visual images are novel (to me) and thought provoking.
I like the fact that there isn't a choice of Bible passages, there seems to be hyperchoice these days and this can be hardwork! Linda Tope

Darren Hill said...

We're hoping to make the choices easier to make and also clearer as to what each one is. Great to hear it is helping Linda.