Wednesday 28 July 2010

Leaky, leaky

One of the most annoying things is having a leak in your home. I currently have one. It is a tiny leak from the bath. It’s nothing major, but I can’t quite find where the source of the leak is. So, just so you know, I’m not in a very good mood about it. And once you find one leak, you often find others.

Efforts on a final solution to the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico were hampered with the arrival of a tropical storm last week. It meant that a ship drilling a relief well had to leave the area. Thankfully. the storm soon passed and drilling will be resumed in the near future. I just hope they marked the spot where they were drilling.

If it isn’t oil leaks, it’s information leaks. Some highly sensitive information has made it into the public domain over the weekend. Phrases like freedom of information and national security may be on the news quite often this week.

And in WordLive, we have Jesus going about his ministry of Good News, healing people and releasing those whose ailments have kept them from having a decent life. And yet, he utters some interesting words, ‘don’t tell anyone.’ Perhaps the gospels have more in common with WikiLeaks than we think.

And so the most tenuous link of the week arrives, as we see this amazing footage of a boat having a whale of a time at sea (sorry for that pun). Fortunately, the whale only managed to damage the surface of the boat, including the mast, and the boat made it safely back to shore; with no leaks.


1 comment:

Sons Shall Prophesy said...

WorldLive friends . . . Please stop by and visit us losers at

Thank you and God bless everyone!