Tuesday 20 July 2010

Read all about it

Bad news is all around us. And in the age of 24 hour TV news, every story has to be entertaining and keep us glued to the screen. Hyperbole abounds and the more shocking and frightening the story the better.

However, I thought it might be pleasant to look at some good news this week. So let’s begin with BP, and no, I’m not being ironic.

Although there are some concerns still remaining, it seems that after months of trial and error the leaking BP oil well has been capped. This is good news for the environment, BP and anyone who has investments in BP (and that is most probably anyone with a UK pension).

There is also potential good news for those of us who shy away from needles and turn a shade of pale green at the thought of an injection. A team of researchers has created a patch that can replace a needle for the flu vaccine. It may even be more effective than the yearly jab from the doctors.

This week in WordLive good news is the theme too. We’re in the book of Mark and he starts with the point of it all, the good news of Jesus (Mark 1:1). And although things don’t go smoothly throughout Jesus’ life, the ending is pretty positive, especially for anyone who wants to believe.

And finally we have some more good news, especially for champagne lovers, as the oldest drinkable champagne has been discovered. The 200-year-old vintage tipple will be auctioned, so if the constant drip feed of negative news is too much to handle then you can always drown your sorrows in style.*


*Before you think I am advocating forgetting reality by downing a hefty dose of alcohol, I am not. That would be neither big nor clever, and quite expensive in this case.

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