Monday 1 November 2010

Doing the right thing, for the right reason

We know that some things are wrong, but we also seem to be concerned with some things being ‘more’ wrong than others. In a recent report a former drugs advisor has said that alcohol does more damage than hard drugs. Of course this report will now be used by various pressure groups who either want to ban alcohol at one end or legalise drugs at the other.

We also know that some things are good for us. A major study of Norwegians has revealed that exercise is good for us. But not just any exercise – the exercise has to be done in your free time and therefore done because you want to do it.

This week on WordLive we delve into the world of Daniel, a devout follower of the Jewish God who found himself amidst the beliefs and rituals of a totally different culture. He knew what was good for him and why.

Praying and reading the Bible are things that we can do, but if we don’t really want to do them, is there any point?


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