Friday 26 November 2010

Little or big, it’s about change

In the UK, the new Labour leader Ed Milliband is about to embark on a rethink of his party’s policies. He says it’s time to make some changes as they begin the journey to regain power.

A Japanese politician has resigned after he said that his job was easy. Apparently he had two standard replies when he was asked a difficult question to which he didn’t know the answer. I wonder whether he may have been able to stay if he had learnt one or two more answers. But some people can’t change, even a little.

Still in Japan and speaking of little, a tiny Chihuahua is about to become a police dog. The tiny pooch has just passed its police exam and will help out in search and rescue operations. It is amazing how something so small could have such a profound affect on the lives of others.

This week WordLive is all about the things that can bring us closer to God: being like a child, being less than others, selling everything you have and giving the money to the poor. It’s all about change, and how those changes in your life can have a big effect.

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