Wednesday 1 December 2010

It’s just words and information, right?

Some pretty sensitive information has been posted on the Wikileaks site, whose purpose is to make information available to all. The site believes that some information that is hidden from the public should be seen by all. However, others feel that this information is too sensitive to be freely available.

Another release of information, although this time through a more informal route, has had interesting consequences for the Bishop of Willesden. He posted numerous comments about the upcoming royal wedding, and for doing this he has been suspended.

And the posturing and strong words continue on the Korean peninsula. After the shelling of an island under the authority of the South by the North, both sides are engaging in a war of words, each condemning the actions of the other.

Meanwhile, in WordLive we’re looking at Ezekiel, a prophet who had a great many things to say about his nation, other nations and God. The role of a prophet and the words he shares aren’t always welcome either. Would Ezekiel have been suspended or condemned for what he had to say if he was posting those words today, online?


1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I think that poor old Ezekiel would have been regarded as rather potty;he certainly must have received a lot of attention. Are we prepared to be counted as fools for Christ's sake?