Friday 21 December 2007

Prayer for Today, Saturday, Sunday and then some

"On time and on budget” - Keith’s grateful reflection at yesterday’s handover from Baigent as thanks were expressed for all the human activity that has got us this far. Praise God for all the skilled and gifted people brought together for such a time as this.

On Saturday….
Think back to the start of the year when we were so encouraged by the strong response to the January appeal. (We had asked people to consider doubling their giving and that appeal brought more than twice what we might normally expect from the January appeal. ) We are still praising God for each one who gave and indicated their support for the project – please join us! And pray that God will prompt ongoing support through the 2008 January appeal!

And on Sunday…. Pray that God will continue to supply ALL our needs

Many of you will be away from your computers over the next week, but if you are able to keep praying, you might like to print off this page and focus on the following themes until you surface from the festivities!

· For real spiritual impact

· For many thousand WordLive users to come on board

· For current users of Bible Reading Guides who may appreciate the personal benefit of WordLive alongside printed notes - and be amongst the best advocates for encouraging other people to get stuck in to exploring what the Bible says

· For enthusiastic recommendation by churches, leaders and individuals

· For strong financial support, not least through the impact of the January appeal and the ability to donate through the site

· Gratitude to God that he has given us the privilege - and entrusted us with the responsibility - of this hugely significant initiative

1 comment:

Martin Campbell said...

It's been an amazing year. Very exciting and very hard work. On behalf of the team at Baigent, thanks to Scripture Union for inviting us to join the team on WordLive, thanks to the leadership team for their vision in creating something so new and exciting, and to the WordLive team at Scripture Union, what an amazingly dedicated and talented bunch.

With launch in a few days, our work is just beginning to see the light of day. We hope that everyone who uses it will enjoy it and be helped by it, and will help us to make it better.