Tuesday 21 September 2010

Following the leader

We wouldn’t be particularly on the ball if we didn’t mention the Papal Visit. The trip raised a whole host of controversial issues, from upsetting some because the state paid toward it to the issues of child abuse within the church’s history. However, it did bring the concept of spirituality into focus.

The ruling party of North Korea have announced their first conference for almost a generation. It looks like they may reveal a successor to the ageing leader Kim Jong-il. However, news from the most secretive state on the planet isn’t always as current as it could be.

And back in the UK we have entered the Political Party Conference season. This week the Lib Dems are holding their conference. For the first time in the living memory of most people, especially this writer, what they are debating will directly effect the government. However, the fear is that the price of power may be too high.

This week in WordLive we are looking at Paul’s words to a young leader of a church. Timothy, like the leaders today, had a lot to deal with. But that’s life isn’t it?


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