Tuesday 14 September 2010

Hopes and fears

Fear is a pretty powerful tool. It is used by some to control others. It often rears its head when people are unaware of all the facts.

Such an example can be seen in the misunderstanding and misinformation surrounding the proposed burning of the Qu’ran by a small church in Florida.

Meanwhile the UK economy is bracing itself for cuts. But will these cuts be its salvation or destruction? Both sides of the political agenda are using fear in their arguments.

As the unions meet they are warning the government that their members won’t accept the measures being proposed. And the government has taken a swipe at the alleged millions being given to those who can work but don’t. The fear being that so much of the money that could be saved is simply being wasted.

And then of course there is the media itself, putting a little spin here and there to change the angle of a story for its own political bias. And what about us, involved in telling others about Jesus? Are we ever guilty of throwing in a little fear to enhance our message?

This week’s WordLive begins with a story about the disciples being afraid. Take a look and you’ll see.

Some have said that the church has used fear to control people too. No doubt that has been and is true in some instances. But that’s a shame, because the message found in the Bible is one of hope and not fear.



Elizabeth said...

Someone once said, that fear is 'False Evidence Appearing Real'; I find that very helpful.

Runaway Child said...

Yeah I agree Elizabeth, early on Fear was my biggest struggle, but suddenly you reach a point of understanding that fear in this world is nothing Jesus vanquished it and we follow him
A wise friend shared the false evidence appearing real with me to. x