Tuesday 7 September 2010

Pressure pot

You know that it’s been a slow news week when the story of a headmaster rewording the Kookaburra song makes it to the BBC’s front page. The pressure to find a news story is not just seen at the BBC though. Calls for an enquiry over alleged phone tapping going on at the News of the World are dominating the headlines.
The UK government has turned its attention onto the high number of foreign students arriving to study in order to curb ‘unsustainable’ immigration. The current government has made a commitment to reduce immigration pressure, and students are the current focus.

On a slow news weekend it was good to hear the news that Eta, the Basque separatist movement, has declared a ceasefire. However, it appears that the ceasefire may be linked more to resource pressure than a change of heart.

In WordLive this week, we head off to the early chapters of Mark’s Gospel. Here we see Jesus dealing with the pressures of fame and its demands. He builds up his people resource and then begins the process of changing people’s hearts through his stories and actions.

Darren Hill

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