Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Send a little love?

North Africa and the Near East once again dominate our news. The Libyan rebels are getting closer to the power base of Colonel Gaddafi. The people of Yemen are also protesting, while the government try to tackle other issues. And Syria is trying to persuade its people that reforms and not revolution are the answer.
In the UK, thousands marched in protest at the cuts that the government are making to reduce the national deficit. Unfortunately events turned nasty when some decided to turn a peaceful protest into a violent one.

Back at WordLive, we’re getting ready for one or two changes. However, before we get there we are looking at Jonah. He was the prophet who didn’t want to go and tell the nasty people of Nineveh about God’s love.

The shameful thing is that I often feel the same way about some people… does God really love them? As we see people struggling with and fighting each other over political views and ways to rule, how much would a good dose of God’s love help those situations?


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