Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Shock and awe

The events in Japan remain at the forefront of our thoughts as we enter a new week. Graphic images of the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami were broadcast around the world at the digital speed of light. Images of the waves crossing swathes of land and hurling cars and boats like toys bear witness to the power of nature.

In a world where these awesome events of nature are now often captured digitally, we can share the shock with those who experience them first hand. For the first time in the history of the world humanity can join together almost instantly in shock and support. Our prayers and aid go to those whose lives have been devastated by these events.

In WordLive we visit Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. Paul begins to reveal God’s plan for salvation that has run throughout human history, and culminates in Jesus. Humanity is sometimes helpless before the power of nature. But the creator of nature has an even more powerful and awe-inspiring love for us.


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